Paris in Spring: Cultivist's Guide to Free Exhibitions

04 Apr 2024 Paris in Spring: Cultivist's Guide to Free Exhibitions

Paris is bursting with life this spring, and the city's exhibitions and museums are beckoning with an array of captivating shows and experiences. We’ve chosen our top 5 must-sees for you to explore, and the best part? Admission is free! So, round up your friends and family and immerse yourselves in the vibrant tapestry of art and culture that Paris has to offer.

1/ One return led to another - Retour Perpétuel at Mariane Ibrahim: an exhibition of new paintings by Shannon T. Lewis, inspired by the social cues of culture and an examination of marginalised identities.

2/ Fashion Faux Parr at Galerie Clémentine de la Féronnière: Martin Parr's unique vision challenges fashion photography norms, inviting viewers on a visually stunning journey through twenty-five years.

3/ Ima at Galerie Sato: Takeru Amano's 'IMA' showcases the vibrant world of Japanese neo-pop art, featuring bold Venus portraits and reinterpreted landscapes.

4/ Redefining Nordic Style at Le Bicolore, Maison du Danemark: A groundbreaking exhibition celebrates Nordic fashion innovation with 'Liminal Objects,' blurring art and attire boundaries.

5/ Faison Corps at The Maif Social Club: Explore body, intimacy, and identity through diverse artworks by fifteen contemporary artists, challenging societal norms and provoking introspection.

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Gallery guide